Stress, along with anxiety and depression, is one of the most common issues that patients come in for at our Washington DC acupuncture clinic. Their chronic stress manifests as a wide range of emotional, physical, cognitive and behavioral symptoms. In many cases,...
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How acupuncture works for sciatica
Sciatic nerve pain is a common condition, and it can be a very debilitating one. Typically caused by an impingement of sciatic nerve in the lower back, pain will be felt radiating down the buttock and leg. There are many treatment options for sciatica, and acupuncture...
What is tongue diagnosis and how does it work?
As we discussed in our Secrets of Pulse Diagnosis post, tongue diagnosis is another primary method in Chinese Medicine for understanding what is happening inside the human body. It is the other “MRI” of traditional medical systems. While tongue diagnosis can be used...
How pulse diagnosis works
The pulse is measured in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine, but there are key differences. In Western medicine, we typically measure the heart rate, which is taken with blood pressure as part of a standard physical exam. In Chinese medicine, pulse diagnosis...
How acupuncture works for back pain
Back pain for all ages… We all know the quintessential image of low vitality—the hunched, hobbling elderly person, one hand holding a cane, the other supporting their aching back. But if our patients are any indication, back pain does not discriminate by age. We have...
How acupuncture works for migraines
An estimated 36 million people in the US suffer from migraines—that's a lot of headaches. But migraines are much more than a bad headache. They're a collection of debilitating neurological symptoms that can last from 4–72 hours. The most common symptoms experienced by...
Inside the mind of an acupuncturist—how do we choose acupuncture points?
Our Washington DC acupuncture patients are a cerebral bunch. They get pain relief on the acupuncture table, but their minds want more: they want to know how we choose acupuncture points. Not an easy task, but we sum up our methodology for physical pain here. This...
How acupuncture works for neck pain
For those you suffering from acute or chronic neck pain, you understand why someone coined the expression “a pain in the neck.” Neck pain is also one of the most common areas of physical pain that we treat at our acupuncture clinic in Washington DC. Whether due to bad...
How does acupuncture work for pain?
One of the most common reasons patients come to see us is for pain relief. Acupuncture is extremely effective for many patients in both relieving physical pain, sometimes immediately after insertion of the needles, and also at helping patients remain pain-free on an...
Acupuncture & Psychotherapy—Healing Mind and Body
As holistic medical systems such as acupuncture and Chinese medicine have emphasized for more than 2000 years, the state of the mind and emotion is intimately connected with the health and wellness of the body. This approach to healing the whole person—the mind,...
Natural Healing for Allergies & Sinus Issues: The 8-Step Protocol
With the growing popularity of holistic medicine, many people are becoming interested in natural, gentle treatments for their allergies and sinus issues. At our Washington DC acupuncture clinic, we've developed an 8-step protocol for addressing these symptoms...
Acupuncture for insomnia—a case study
I'm very pleased to publish the first case study from my Washington DC acupuncture practice. "Jennifer" is a 28-year-old patient who came to my office in April with lifelong insomnia, which had been getting worse in the past 6 months. Read her case study to see how...