Your Abdominal Massage (YAM) is a technique of abdominal self-massage that can help to move your body towards optimal health. The techniques are simple, effective, and can improve the flow of blood, lymph, nerve, and energy.
Stress, anxiety, depression, OCD and other emotional and mental health issues lie at the core of a lot of sickness and suffering in our everyday lives. In fact, most physical issues can be traced back, to some degree, to stress. Luckily, acupuncture is a tremendously effective treatment for stress, anxiety, depression and other emotional health issues. Based on our record of success with these issues, we would highly recommend acupuncture if you are seeking greater emotional balance and inner healing.
Cupping Aftercare
Cupping therapy uses suction and negative pressure to relax muscles, improve circulation, and calm the nervous system. It is commonly used to treat muscle aches and pains but has a long tradition of being applied in cases of digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia, and...
How To Get the Most Out of Your Acupuncture Treatment
There are no hard and fast rules about how to prepare for an acupuncture appointment, but there are a few things you can do to get the most out of your treatment. We’ll be providing you with basics such as what to wear, what to drink, whether to eat, how much time to...
An Introduction to CBD Oil and Its Benefits
Cannabis has been used in Chinese Medicine for over 1,500 years. It’s listed among the top herbs in the 1st recorded Chinese herbal medicine textbook. Top benefits of CBD oil: Stop pain, Reduce, inflammation, Reduce anxiety and help with insomnia, Reduce stress and the effects of stress on the body
Relax muscle spasms, Reduce tremors and seizures.
Using Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture to Treat Injuries
In Western culture, it is a little-known fact that Chinese medicine is fantastic for sports and traumatic injuries. This medicine evolved alongside martial arts and warfare, but we can also use it for more everyday injuries like sprained ankles. Treatments were...
Cupping & Herbal Medicine in Washington DC
Did you know that clients come to see us for services other than acupuncture? Our clients here in DC benefit greatly from cupping and customized herbal medicine formulas (and now they’re both more affordable - read on to learn more). Benefits of herbal medicine and...
How to heal migraines naturally
If you’ve had one, you know—a migraine is so much more than a headache. Patients with migraines often report that they get in the way of their day-to-day lives, forcing them to cancel plans, stay in bed and call in sick. Here’s how we help our clients--like the ones...
Migraine case studies from our acupuncture clinic in Washington DC
There's nothing like living migraine-free after having these monster headaches! Here are a couple of real migraine patient cases and the outcomes from our acupuncture clinic. Migraine Case Study 1) Patient "JC" came in for persistent migraines following medical leave,...
How to deal with stress naturally
Stress is perhaps the most common issue we see at our Washington DC acupuncture clinic. Not only is acupuncture amazing for stress, but we also help our clients deal with stress on multiple fronts, both on and off the acupuncture table. Read on to find out how. Common...
How to heal allergies & sinus problems naturally
Our acupuncture clinic is located in Washington DC, often referred to as the “capital of allergies.” As such, there is no shortage of clients who come in to see us for allergies, chronic sinus pain, and sinus infections. Here is our natural, holistic approach to...
How to heal neck pain naturally
Neck pain is a very common symptom that we see at our Washington DC acupuncture clinic. And it’s a symptom that we have successfully helped many clients with over the years. Here is our holistic approach to healing neck pain. Common causes of neck pain...
Understanding Your Acupuncturist: Qi and Meridians
Allopathic physicians, those that practice “conventional” medicine, use vocabulary and special terminology to identify conditions happening within the body, their causes, tests, and treatments. These include terms like mastitis, heart attack, cystic fibrosis,...
How acupuncture melts your physical pain
One of the most common reasons patients come to see us is for pain relief. Acupuncture is extremely effective for many patients in both relieving physical pain, and also at helping patients remain pain-free on an ongoing basis over the course of multiple acupuncture...
Turmeric Supreme for pain and chronic inflammation
We love turmeric for its myriad health benefits, which is why we carry the very finest turmeric supplements in our clinic shop. Here we detail (and trumpet) the benefits of Gaia brand’s Turmeric Supreme formula for Pain, which, along with Gaia’s Turmeric Joint and...
How acupuncture works for tension headaches
Do you have tension headaches with any regularity? If so, congratulations—you’re part of a colossally large club. Of all headache types, tension headaches (also called myogenic headaches or muscle contraction headaches) are the most common. The World Health...
How acupuncture works for sciatica
Sciatic nerve pain is a common condition, and it can be a very debilitating one. Typically caused by an impingement of sciatic nerve in the lower back, pain will be felt radiating down the buttock and leg. There are many treatment options for sciatica, and acupuncture...
What is tongue diagnosis and how does it work?
As we discussed in our Secrets of Pulse Diagnosis post, tongue diagnosis is another primary method in Chinese Medicine for understanding what is happening inside the human body. It is the other “MRI” of traditional medical systems. While tongue diagnosis can be used...
How pulse diagnosis works
The pulse is measured in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine, but there are key differences. In Western medicine, we typically measure the heart rate, which is taken with blood pressure as part of a standard physical exam. In Chinese medicine, pulse diagnosis...
How acupuncture works for back pain
Back pain for all ages… We all know the quintessential image of low vitality—the hunched, hobbling elderly person, one hand holding a cane, the other supporting their aching back. But if our patients are any indication, back pain does not discriminate by age. We have...
How acupuncture works for migraines
An estimated 36 million people in the US suffer from migraines—that's a lot of headaches. But migraines are much more than a bad headache. They're a collection of debilitating neurological symptoms that can last from 4–72 hours. The most common symptoms experienced by...
Inside the mind of an acupuncturist—how do we choose acupuncture points?
Our Washington DC acupuncture patients are a cerebral bunch. They get pain relief on the acupuncture table, but their minds want more: they want to know how we choose acupuncture points. Not an easy task, but we sum up our methodology for physical pain here. This...